Hello Folks. I'm Rhiannon, the owner of Fire Trails Photography & Design. I am passionate about the Australian landscape and our native wildlife. In a time where it seems the power hungry outweigh the good humans who are fighting to protect our natural resources and environment, my aim is to showcase imagery of the beauty that we are so lucky to have all around us.
My business operates on Yuin Country. I pay my respect and gratitude to Aboriginal people and elders past, present and emerging.
Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.
I've loved all things creative, and nature orientated from a young age. Being from a long line of creative women I have grown up around artists and craft makers and am proud to continue this practice in my everyday life. I studied photography in my younger years however life changes meant less time for creative pursuits until Covid lockdown came upon us. From that point on I haven't put my camera down. You can find me most days on the Jervis Bay fire trails hiding in the bushes or talking to the 'roos.
The opportunity to capture a moment in time is the most beautiful element of photography. Some days there is nothing happening and other days you capture a scene that some people may never witness in a lifetime. I am always learning and through imagery I invite you on the journey with me.
My pictures tell my story.
I am surrounded by natural beauty and interesting characters in the birds and animals I meet along the way. I use my camera to document the world around me and the magic I find in daily life. In my professional life I am a graphic facilitator and have worked with many people who communicate using pictures rather than words. Pictures have been used as communication from as early as 9000BC and continue to be the main source that prompts our recollection and memories past and present.